Shortcut Keys & Controls
This page lists the shortcut keys available in TerraScriber
: toggle grid visibilityMOUSE WHEEL
: Alternate panning mode for trackpad users, click and drag to pan while holding space.CTRL +
: Alternate Zoom In for trackpad users.CTRL -
: Alternate Zoom Out for trackpad users.CTRL 0
: Zoom to 100%.1
: Layer Editing Mode.2
: Item Editing Mode.3
: Settings Mode.4
: Resize Mode.5
: Export Mode.
Layer Mode
Layer mode has two "sub modes" - adding tiles and removing tiles. The cursor color indicates whether you are adding (green) or removing (red).
: Add tiles mode.-
: Remove tiles mode.RIGHT CLICK
: Swap between add/remove tiles
Item Mode
Item mode has two "sub modes" - adding items and editing items. Clicking any item in the items list will put the cursor into "adding mode". Right clicking, clears the item being added and returns you to editing existing items.
: Return to editing after adding itemsRIGHT DRAG
: Drag selection.SHIFT
: Add/remove items from selectionARROW KEYS
: Nudge selection 1px.SPACE
: Panning mode, click and drag to pan while space is held down.DELETE
: Delete the selection.D
: Duplicate the current selection. The duplicate will appear at the current cursor.Z
: Rotate the selection or item to be placed by 45 degrees, holdSHIFT
to rotate 15 degrees instead.X
: Flip the selection or item to be placed.+
: Increase the Z layer of the current selection or placeable item by 0.1. HoldSHIFT
to increase by 1.0 instead.-
: Decrease the Z layer of the current selection or placeable item by 0.1. HoldSHIFT
to decrease by 1.0 instead.
Last updated